Editorial Complaints Policy

At Rocky Mountain Vaping, we strive to maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity and excellence. We are committed to providing accurate, unbiased, and fair content to our readers. However, we recognize that occasionally mistakes can occur or concerns may arise regarding our editorial content. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines the process for addressing and resolving such complaints.

  1. Scope of the Policy:
    • This policy applies to complaints related to the editorial content published on the Rocky Mountain Vaping online magazine, including articles, reviews, features, and any other written or multimedia content.
  2. Complaint Submission:
    • We encourage individuals who have a complaint about our editorial content to submit their concerns in writing to our editorial team via email at [email protected]. Please include the following information:
      • Your name and contact details (email address and/or phone number).
      • A clear description of the content in question, including the article title, publication date, and specific concerns.
      • Supporting evidence, such as relevant links or screenshots, to help us understand the issue.
  3. Complaint Review:
    • Upon receiving a complaint, our editorial team will acknowledge the receipt of the complaint within a reasonable timeframe. We will review the complaint thoroughly and objectively to understand the nature of the concern and evaluate its validity.
  4. Resolution Process:
    • We aim to resolve complaints promptly and fairly. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the resolution process may include one or more of the following steps:
      • Fact-checking: We will review the accuracy of the information presented in the content and make necessary corrections if any inaccuracies are identified.
      • Clarification or Correction: If the complaint highlights a factual error or misleading information, we will consider issuing a clarification or correction to address the concern and provide accurate information to our readers.
      • Editorial Discussion: In cases where the complaint raises broader concerns about the editorial approach or tone, we may engage in a constructive dialogue with the complainant to gain a better understanding of the issue and take appropriate action.
      • Public Statement: In certain circumstances, we may issue a public statement addressing the complaint to provide transparency and clarity to our readers.
  5. Communication and Feedback:
    • We will keep the complainant informed about the progress of their complaint and provide a response within a reasonable timeframe. If additional information is required or if the resolution process is expected to take longer, we will communicate this to the complainant.
  6. Escalation:
    • If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of their complaint, they have the option to request a further review. The request should be made in writing and sent to our editorial team at [email protected]. The request will be escalated to senior members of the team for further consideration.
  7. Confidentiality and Data Protection:
    • We treat all complaints with confidentiality and handle personal data in accordance with applicable privacy laws and our Privacy Policy. Personal information collected during the complaint process will only be used for the purpose of addressing and resolving the complaint.

Contact Us:

 If you have a complaint or wish to provide feedback on our editorial content, please email us at [email protected]. We value your feedback and are committed to addressing your concerns in a fair and timely manner.


At Rocky Mountain Vaping, we strive to maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity and excellence. We are committed to providing accurate, unbiased, and fair content to our readers. However, we recognize that occasionally mistakes can occur or concerns may arise regarding our editorial content. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines the process for addressing and resolving such complaints.

  1. Scope of the Policy:
    • This policy applies to complaints related to the editorial content published on the Rocky Mountain Vaping online magazine, including articles, reviews, features, and any other written or multimedia content.
  2. Complaint Submission:
    • We encourage individuals who have a complaint about our editorial content to submit their concerns in writing to our editorial team via email at [email protected]. Please include the following information:
      • Your name and contact details (email address and/or phone number).
      • A clear description of the content in question, including the article title, publication date, and specific concerns.
      • Supporting evidence, such as relevant links or screenshots, to help us understand the issue.
  3. Complaint Review:
    • Upon receiving a complaint, our editorial team will acknowledge the receipt of the complaint within a reasonable timeframe. We will review the complaint thoroughly and objectively to understand the nature of the concern and evaluate its validity.
  4. Resolution Process:
    • We aim to resolve complaints promptly and fairly. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the resolution process may include one or more of the following steps:
      • Fact-checking: We will review the accuracy of the information presented in the content and make necessary corrections if any inaccuracies are identified.
      • Clarification or Correction: If the complaint highlights a factual error or misleading information, we will consider issuing a clarification or correction to address the concern and provide accurate information to our readers.
      • Editorial Discussion: In cases where the complaint raises broader concerns about the editorial approach or tone, we may engage in a constructive dialogue with the complainant to gain a better understanding of the issue and take appropriate action.
      • Public Statement: In certain circumstances, we may issue a public statement addressing the complaint to provide transparency and clarity to our readers.
  5. Communication and Feedback:
    • We will keep the complainant informed about the progress of their complaint and provide a response within a reasonable timeframe. If additional information is required or if the resolution process is expected to take longer, we will communicate this to the complainant.
  6. Escalation:
    • If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of their complaint, they have the option to request a further review. The request should be made in writing and sent to our editorial team at [email protected]. The request will be escalated to senior members of the team for further consideration.
  7. Confidentiality and Data Protection:
    • We treat all complaints with confidentiality and handle personal data in accordance with applicable privacy laws and our Privacy Policy. Personal information collected during the complaint process will only be used for the purpose of addressing and resolving the complaint.

Contact Us:

 If you have a complaint or wish to provide feedback on our editorial content, please email us at [email protected]. We value your feedback and are committed to addressing your concerns in a fair and timely manner.
